Monday, April 10, 2006

More With Mark Kibble . . .

As I promised my new friends over at the message board, here is another snippet from my interview with Mark Kibble:

How can jazz be integrated into church services?

Kibble: To me, what matters is the spirit in which you bring your music. If you come with an attitude of worship--and it’s not just about you and the type of music and your ability to bring music, but you really want to come in and worship God and serve God--people feel that. Check yourself, so that your motive is correct when you come. And then, let God use you.

Can you share an example of someone who does that well?

My favorite jazz saxophonist of all time is Kirk Whalum.
I’ve never heard anyone play with such conviction and use an instrument to communicate through Christian music like he has. He just blows me away with that. Not that there aren’t others that do that. But in my eyes, Kirk’s taking a historically jazz instrument, and just by the nature of his spirit, and his love for Christ, he translates the sound into something that helps whoever is listening to understand that love. That’s the essence of someone who can bring it, and can bring it with the love of Christ. It really comes from what’s in your own heart.

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