Sunday, July 27, 2008

Mary Williams: Preserving Traditional Gospel

Last week, on my way to the UNITY Journalists of Color conference, I heard a snippet of this story on Mary Williams, who works to preserve traditional black gospel music not only through her performances, but also through a class she teaches at Duke University. Click this link to hear the whole thing.

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Meme, Myself and I

Caryn of Mama's Got a Fake I.D. tagged me with a meme. Here are the rules of the meme:

Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

OK. Here goes:

1. I really love gospel music, even the stuff that predates the term gospel. In fact, I rock out to Goodbye Babylon sometimes while I'm working. But--except for her version of "Come Sunday" (performed with Duke Ellington)--I don't enjoy Mahalia Jackson's music. Weird, I know. But I bought a box set of her work a few years ago, and haven't yet made it through. I. Just. Can't. Don't Know. Why.

2. I keep a list of songs in my head that I'd love to sing some time. And a lot, a lot, a lot of them were featured on Ron Winans' Family & Friends Choir albums. For example, "I Have a Father," led by CeCe Winans; "Now Are We," performed by Kayla Parker on Ron Winans Family & Friends Choir 2; "Salvation is Free," led by Vanessa Bell Armstrong on Ron Winans Family & Friends 5. Other favorites include "Going Up Yonder," as performed by Tramaine Hawkins; "There Is No Way," the Tommies' classic; and "Let the Glory," from Hezekiah Walker's Focus on Glory. But I don't actually belong to a choir right now.

3. I attended seminary a couple of years ago. Although I didn't stay long--I realized that although I liked it, I didn't want to continue--I made a great friend and got one of my best pieces of writing ever out of my short stay.

4. Speaking of writing, I am blogging right now from the Best Writing Chair Ever: It's a leather armchair in a soft yellow color called "Buttercream," with a storage ottoman. I am a compact individual (read: short girl), and it fits me perfectly. I hadn't planned on buying a chair the day I saw it, but it's a leather armchair in a soft yellow color called "Buttercream," with a storage ottoman. I mean, I'm a writer, so it's practically a tool.

5. I love neologisms, and coin them frequently in everyday conversation. Some of them have even made it past editors into my music reviews.

6. When I'm not blogging/writing, my other hobbies include baking, crafty but not kitschy sorts of things, photography, collecting items that represent African-Americans in interesting ways, reading about the Civil Rights Movement, and Learning About Stuff.

OK. Now, I'm tagging:

and one other person, To Be Determined.

Gospel Parody: Never Would Have Paid It

I know, I know. It's been a minute since I posted, but I haven't forgotten my loyal gospelgal readership. Would you believe I've been working hard, making money to put directly into the gas tank? Here's a hilarious parody of Marvin Sapp's chart-topping "Never Would Have Made It," courtesy of J. Anthony Brown. Follow the link, and enjoy.

Got more gospel-themed fun? Let me know at latonya at gospelgal dot com.

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